2. Scarlet -Tachi no Butou - Saikai (Instrumental)download

Length: 6 pages
Technical: 5
Presentation: 6

Comment:  Another fast song.  The piano version doesn't show well how rich the song is supposed to be.  My favorite part is the ending with the slow "Sunlit Garden" piano theme.

[Technical: difficulty in piano skill, 10 = difficult, 1 = easy]
[Presentation: how well the piano version presents the song, 10 = excellent, 1 = poor]

    やさしいピアノンロ/ 劇場版少女革命ウテナアドゥレセンス黙示録 [Yasashii Pianonro / Gekijouban Shoujo Kakumei Utena Adouresensu Mokushiroku] published by Shoin Music Pub. Co., Ltd.  ISBN4-8114-4399-3
    少女革命ウテナ - La fillette revolutionnaire Utena (C) ビーパパス・さいとうちほ/小学館・少革委員会・テレビ東京 [Be-PaPas, Chiho Saito / Shougakukan, Shoukaku Iinkai, TV Tokyo]
    (C) 1999 少女革命ウテナ製作委員会 [Shoujo Kakumei Utena Seisaku Iinkai]
    English version "Revolutionary Girl Utena" (C) Enoki Films USA, Central Park Media Corporation, etc...etc...